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Carolina Monkey Kung Fu



The Carolina Monkey Kung Fu Club introduces to and instructs participants in the Kau Sze Ta Sheng Pikua Men Monkey style of Chinese Kung Fu. The Club is taught with traditional training methods by an instructor with over 25 years of experience in traditional Martial Arts. Through physically demanding exercises students learn a variety of punching, kicking, self-defense and other various Kung Fu techniques. Participants also learn forms associated with the style. The Monkey Style strives to imitate and apply monkey’s movements to human participants.

Practices help students to increase their physical strength and endurance, learn better self-coordination and self-control. Besides the physical training, members may also participate in relaxation and meditative exercises to work on perfecting their minds as well as their bodies.

Practice is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm in the Woollen Combatives Room.